Much has taken place in the land of me and my magical picture books. Metal Between Two Faces #2 is very, very close to inking completion and in general, I'm pleased with the improvements in clarity, character consistency and increased world building ambitions. There are a couple of pages where concept perhaps outweighed execution, but hey, far be it for me to point out where.
Before we go much further, here's an example of an autopsy page. Hopefully, the consistency of the hatching makes for a more streamlined read-through.
Alas, not every page is quite as clean and simplified! So don't worry, I'm still sweating blood for the detail man!
I would also like to thank everyone who took some time to chat about me wee comics at Comica Comiket in London around April time. It's good to get feedback on what gets whose juices flowing and just knowing there's readers out there willing to take a chance with new titles is an added kick up the backside.
Over the following few months I'll be posting some more detailed explorations of process in relation to my own practice. Mostly because when I fudge a panel, I would like to remember how it happened and how to perhaps avoid such bungling bufoonery in future. When relevant, I will also be focusing on inspirational qualities found in the work of other comic creators and taking a few lessons! Cheers to Mike and James at inviting me to guest post on their comics blog. I'll be keeping it mean and unclean.
Great stuff man :)