At the Mercure in Bristol floggin' wares with Spabbyland man Seb Burnett and Miho. We varied our sales technique as the day progressed, starting at a point of mild passivity and ending in a state of unfettered desperation; if only because the price of one beer equaled two comics sold. There's a reason to get motivated!
Met some lovely peeps and picked up some uber comics. Heard of Harker? Slick as, great detective/occult shenanigans from Ariel Press. How about Thom Ferrier? Tales from the G.P's practice of depravity and desperation. How about Paul Duffield's Signal? Lovely sprawling colour layouts - dream like, otherworldly sense of wonder and all that. How about Roger Langridge - a real pro - loads of indie stuff he does besides the Muppet Show comics such as the tales of Doctor Sputnik and Spud - Great Stuff!
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