Thursday, 28 July 2011

Inked - animated sequence

Here is the inked 'boy trying to catch a pigeon' sequence with a few position tweaks in After Effects.

To save animation paper - I traced the pencil drawing on the reverse side of each frame with a fine line pen and scanned into the computer. For the most part, the scanner only picks up on the ink line drawing, leaving the pencil on the reverse invisible.

Pencil Test Reel 2011

Another sequence drawn up for the opening shot of my 2011 reel.

To use 'pencil test' in the title is perhaps a bit misleading, as I tend to always stick to my original pencil frames when tracing in ink - then tweak in After Effects. This particular sequence required a bit of extra height in the kid's jump.

The exaggerated perspective made this one a little tricky - I wanted the head blown up in size and close to the camera - with a steep narrowing of the angle towards the feet. The resulting animation is choppy as hell! But when composited in the background, I think it's passable.


Some select cuts from recent motion graphics/animated work. Mostly from my tenure at the QVC studios in London, with a few self initiated projects thrown in for good measure.

Design/Animation: Michael Lomon
Music: Batdance by Prince ©Warner Bros

Whilst I tend to avoid posting work 'work' related posts on this blog, there's a short animated sequence at the start of this reel that's linked to a drawing originally in the CRIMINAL #1 comic - so it's all inextricably linked you see!